Prester John before a crucifix in an early 15th-century book of Mandeville’s Travels.
It's the end of the Prester John story, or at least the end for now. The priest-king pops up in Tibet and dives into the world of fiction and comics, and the Dalai Lama makes an appearance.
The History of Sport podcast which I mention can be found here and on all the other usual podcast platforms.
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Prester John: The Legend and its Sources, compiled and translated by Keagan Brewer. Taylor & Francis, 2019.
Ames, Richard. The Jacobite Conventicle. R. Stafford, 1692.
Rachewiltz, Igor de. Prester John and Europe's Discovery of East Asia. Australian National University Press, 1972.
Salvadore, Matteo. The African Prester John and the Birth of Ethiopian-European Relations, 1402-1555. Taylor & Francis, 2016.
Shakespeare, William. Much Ado about Nothing. Penguin, 2005.