16-century Malacca as drawn by Gaspar Correia
Our 16th-century traveller, among so many other things, arrives in Malacca (Melaka). From there he is sent out as envoy, leading to misadventure, near death, and criticism of the Portuguese Empire.
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The Travels of Mendes Pinto, edited and translated by Rebecca D. Catz. University of Chicago Press, 1989.
The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India, translated by Walter de Gray Birch. Hakluyt, 1875.
Boxer, C.R. The Portuguese Seaborne Empire 1415-1825. Carcanet, 1991.
Diffie, Bailey Wallys. Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1580. University of Minnesota Press, 1977.
Newitt, Malyn. A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion 1400–1668. Routledge, 2004.
Paine, Lincoln. The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World. Knopf Doubleday, 2015.